Different Types Of Mindsets

There are four types of mindsets in all humans for earning money. Every person has a different type of mindset in these categories.
1. Employment mindset: The persons with this type of mindset like employment. The persons with this mindset have some points stated below.
  • A person with this type of mindset will be shy away from risks, he will not have the courage to take risks, he will always be in his comfort zone.
  • He will always look for security in everything, there will be many peoples in Pakistan who work on a good salary but if there will be a vacancy for a government clerk then they leave the job for a secure job.
  • He will look to his budget before buying anything.
  • He will be a time trader, he will always look the time anywhere, he will not work for extra time.
 2. Self Employment: The persons with this type of mindset has the following problems.
  • They don’t like orders.
  • They always change their jobs.
  • They are the freelancer.
  • They will build their service, be their boss, and start work.
  • There the whole world will be their place of work.
  • They will not let other people grow and they do not know the fun of hiring.
3.  Business Mindset: This is the category of leaders. They have the following potentials.
  • They will have the potential of hiring.
  • They understand the psyche of human resources.
  • They understand to take work from a person at right time.
4. Investment Mindset: They are lazy persons of society. They have the following points.
  • The investor is the person who doesn’t use himself but uses his money.
  • He will put his money on work and the money earns more money for him.
  • He will not be in front but most of the time he will have shares but no one knows about.
  • They dislike work, they don’t work but money works for them.
  • They love freedom.
  • They are impressed by the idea of passive income.
How To change mindset: The mindsets are ready-made. The mindset can be only changed if a person can develop his Growth Mindset. If a person can change its temperament.
        I like and idealize a business mindset. I didn’t like employment and like self-employment up to some extent but I idealize business mindset and if there is extra money with me I like to invest instead of keeping them in banks. A rich person will always be a businessman or investor. More money comes from business or investment.


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